Stretton on Fosse homes take shape
Warwickshire Rural Housing Association’s brand new homes in Stretton on Fosse are really taking shape.
Five homes for rent will become available in June of this year at the new housing development, off Harolds Orchard, Stretton on Fosse. The homes will be as follows:
1x 2 Bed bungalows
2 x 2 bed house
2 x 3 bed house
The homes will be allocated using the system “Home Choice Plus” which will be administered by Stratford-on-Avon District Council. In the first instance, preference for allocation will be given to households with a local connection to Stetton on Fosse and you must also be registered in advance with Home Choice Plus in order to be able to bid for one of the new homes. For the definition of a “local connection”, please contact Philippa Osborne on 0300 1234 009.
You can register on Home Choice Plus OR e-mailing OR by telephoning Stratford District Council on 01789-260861 OR by visiting Stratford District Council at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford upon Avon CV47 6HX. If you are not already registered with the District Council, please do this as soon as possible.
When registered, once the development enters the weekly bidding cycle, you can bid for the property of your choice. “Bidding” doesn’t involve paying any money – it is simply a registration of your application for one or more properties. It is expected that the homes at Stretton on Fosse will enter the weekly bidding cycle on Tuesday 7th May 2019 for seven working days only, ending at midnight on Monday 13th May 2019. You can bid on the internet
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Philippa Osborne on 0300 1234 009