TSM 2023
The results are in...
At the end of September, we sent the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey (TSM) to all our customers.
All households were invited to take part and 171 households (149 renters and 22 shared owners) completed the survey. Your answers have really helped us get a sense of what you think about our services.
Thank you to everyone who took part.
Summary of results
Your overall satisfaction with our services was 83% for renters and 68% for shared owners. Although these are lower than we’d like, it's given us lots of useful information about where we need to focus our efforts.
The main areas of low satisfaction are:
So what?
You may be asking "so what?" or "what happens now?" To help us get to the heart of the issues we're developing an action plan, which we'll share in February. This may involve further, more detailed surveys or customer focus groups to really understand the issues and how we can improve.
Survey results