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Hate crime
Hate crime is defined as crimes committed against someone because of their disability, gender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
- What is hate crime?
A hate crime is any behaviour that someone thinks was caused by hostility, prejudice or hatred of their:
- disability, including physical impairments, mental health problems, learning disabilities, hearing and visual impairments
- gender identity (people who are transgender, transsexual or transvestite)
- race, skin colour, nationality, ethnicity or heritage
- religion, faith or belief, including people without a religious belief
sexual orientation (people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or heterosexual etc.). - lifestyle and dress i.e. such as an alternative sub-culture.
Anyone can be a victim of hate crime if they are targeted because of who they are, their friends or family or even who the perpetrator thinks they are.
Hate crimes can include:
- name calling or verbal abuse
- graffiti or abusive writing
- damage to property
- threats or intimidation
- bullying or harassment
- physical attacks or violence, including sexual violence, arson and murder.
- What can you do if you're experiencing hate crime?
Hate crime is a criminal offence and should be reported to the police immediately:
- by calling 999 in an emergency (immediate threat to life or the crime is ongoing), or
- by calling 101, or
- online at www.report-it.org.uk/your_police_force.
Tell us
Please also let us know about the incident. Contact us on 0300 1234 009 or enquiries@midlandsrural.org.uk
Record what's happening
If the behaviour is ongoing, please complete our diary sheets with dates and times of the incidents and send these to us. The quickest way to do this is download the diary sheet (word document), complete them and email them to us at enquiries@midlandsrural.org.uk
- Help and support
You can find help and support from Stop Hate UK:
- Stop Hate UK website
- 24 hour helpline: 0800 138 1625